New Zealand is regarded as a first world country, however 10% of New Zealander’s live in poverty. New Zealander’s food waste is 122,500 tonnes/$827 million each year.
The The Kai Ika Project are contributing to bridging the gap between poverty and food waste in New Zealand. The Kai Ika Project was established in 2016 and is the result of a partnership between LegaSea - More Fish In The Water, the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland -OBC, Westhaven and Papatūānuku Kokiri Marae. Kai Ika’s motto is “Waste not, Want Not” and thus far they have donated 125,563 kg of fish parts to families in need. Fish heads, frames and offal would normally go to waste. Fish heads are considered a delicacy by some and are delicious in soups, curries and pies. Kai Ika promote kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and manaakitanga (caring for people).Support their vital work and give a koha at