Disposable nappies and sanitary products are a major waste contributor.
Busy parents require an easy option - reusable cloth nappies are time consuming and disposables are harmful to the environment.
What is the solution?
Auckland company Little & Brave Eco Nappies produce compostable nappies. A pack of 26 nappies is priced between $20.00 - $23.00. Environmentally friendly with the convenience of standard disposables. Win!
Check out Little and Brave at https://littleandbrave.co.nz.
Brands Organic Initiative and Dirty Hippie sell Menstrual Cups - the answer to sanitary waste. It is most commonly stated the cups do not require replacing until between 2-4 years. Women on average will menstruate for 40 years.
$10 for Pads/Tampons x 12 months = $120 x 40 years = $4800
compared to
$40 for a Menstrual Cup every 3 years over a 40 year period = $532. Saving you $4268!
Check out https://www.oi4me.com and https://www.dirtyhippie.co.nz.