It is no secret the Agricultural Industry is damaging to the environment, due to the excessive use of nutrients and fertiliser and cattle producing methane.
These three Farmers are doing good.
Waikato Dairy Farmer Christopher Falconer believes “there’s a great deal of overlap between what is good for the climate and what is good for all sorts of other things”. On his 250 hectare farm, he regards planting and creating wetlands and habitats important.
Richard and Becks Tosswill have farmland in Te Awaawa. They believe improving the environment and mitigating the impacts of climate change important. “We’ve got this land here that we’re looking after and we go into it wanting it to be for the next generation of people to come through, whether it is our children or someone else’s”. The Tosswill’s use GPS co-ordinates to determine where on their farm fertiliser is required and where it is not, such as near waterways.
Southland Farmer Mark Anderson believes it all comes down to soil health. “We’re mainly focused on the soil health to grow nutrient dense plants and then not only to feed the soil, but feed our animals and the people who consume our products”. On his farm in Waiwera South he has adopted a regenerative approach.
Originally reported by Stuff.