22 Apr
Earth Day

Today we mark 51 years of Earth Day. Originally founded in 1970, it marks the anniversary of the modern environmental movement. Earth Day gives a voice to an ever-growing consciousness of the state of our planet. How much of an impact we as humans have on the planet; in which we rely on for our very survival. 

This has never been more evident as in the past year. With the global restrictions that have forced our communities to limit our movements and activities, we have witnessed the Earth can heal itself. From cleaner air and waterways to more active wildlife, nature shows it can regenerate given the opportunity. The problem is, will or can we give it the time and resources to do so? With the climate already teetering on the edge of catastrophic scenarios, we all must do our part to help. 

We as individuals have the power to influence governments and corporations’ decisions, by reaching out to government officials. Telling them we above all care about the needs of our planet. Appealing to corporations and showing we care with our wallets; by choosing to support businesses with sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Thereby forcing others to improve their systems in fear of losing business. 

Sea Society was founded not to showcase the complicated, unnecessary steps it takes to make a difference; but to showcase how changing small habits in your life can lead to a more sustainable future. Earth Day is not the one day each year to care about the environment, think of every day as a step closer to a better life. The Earth does not rely on us to survive, but we sure rely on it. 

Checkout www.earthday.org/earth-day-tips/ for more things you can do everyday to make this a world that future generations can enjoy.

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