20 Mar
My Wellness Essentials

1) I love miso soup - for its flavour and health benefits. Miso paste is made from fermented soybeans and grains and is high in beneficial bacteria. Miso promotes good gut health, is high in essential minerals and is a good source of various B vitamins, vitamin E, K and folic acid.
Please enjoy the featured miso soup recipe from RNZ.
2) Hot lemon, honey and ginger drink.
The benefits of lemons include supporting heart health, prompting weight loss, improving digestive health, preventing kidney stones, preventing anemia and reducing risk of cancer.
The benefits of honey include containing antioxidants, containing antibacterial and antifungal properties, being rich in phytonutrients and improving digestive health.
Ginger contains gingerol which is antioxidant rich and contains anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can reduce your risk of infection, cancer and heart disease. Ginger improves nausea, muscle pains and menstrual pains.
3) Garlic Tablets. Garlic is high in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. Garlic tablets boost your immune system; a 12 week study found garlic tablets reduced your risk of illness by 63%. Garlic contains antioxidants and improves cholesterol levels. You can purchase Nutra-Life New Zealand Garlic Tablets from HealthPost and Health 2000, among other Health Stores.

Please be smart and be safe during this difficult time! 

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