1) They are going extinct on our watch. The total number of New Zealand sea lion is 11,800.
2) They are classified as 'Endangered' on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
3) They are under threat by fisheries, in particular Squid 6T. For example, within the first two months of 2019 five New Zealand sea lion were killed after being captured in squid fishing nets. According to Ministry for Primary Industries, approximately 20 sea lions get caught in trawl nets every year.
4) They are under threat by human activities; by vehicles entering their habitats and are being shot.
5) They are indigenous to New Zealand and are regarded as a taonga species under the Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998.
6) They are adorable!
Please do your part to protect our New Zealand sea lion by signing/sharing my petition on Change.org - https://www.change.org/ProtectNewZealandSeaLion.