29 Jun
Threatened Indigenous Marine Mammals

1) Māui Dolphin: Classified as “Nationally Critical.” Population - between 57-75. Conservation Efforts - the West Coast North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary was established in 2008. Trawling is not allowed from Maunganui Bluff to Pariokariwa Point.
2) New Zealand Sea Lion/Rāpoka/Whakahao: Classified as “Endangered” on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Population - 11,800. Conservation Efforts - the Department of Conservation released their New Zealand sea lion/rāpoka Threat Management Plan in 2017. Vehicles are still able to drive on their habitats, such as Surat Bay and Cannibal Bay in the Catlins Coast Inc.
Please sign my petition on Change.org to protect our indigenous sea lions - https://www.change.org/ProtectNewZealandSeaLion. Every signature counts!
3) Hector's Dolphin: Classified as “Endangered” on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Population - approximately 15,000. Conservation Efforts - the Department of Conservation have established 5 marine mammal sanctuaries in Hector's and Māui dolphin habitats. Fishing, seabed mining and acoustic seismic survey work are not allowed in these areas.

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