I am happy to announce I am a WasteNet Southland Ambassador. Beginning on the 19th of October, I will be participating in their 21 Day Recycle Challenge. Recycling well is all about creating good habits and it only takes 21 days to form a habit. I encourage you to follow my progress and participate!
Day one: 3 easy things to recycle: cardboard, aluminium cans and plastic bottles.
Day two: Before you toss, take the lid off.
Day three: Wash all plastic, metals and glass before tossing them into your recycling.
Day four: Know your plastics. Plastic bottles can be recycled but sweet wrappers, chip packets and foil pouches cannot.
Day five: Stop wishcycling, which is the practice of tossing questionable items in the recycling and hoping they can be recycled.
Day six: Tissues, paper towels and wet wipes cannot be recycled.
Day seven: Pizza boxes can be recycled, but remove all food before recycling.
Day eight: Small things = big problems. We cannot recycle anything smaller than an envelope. This includes straws, lids, bottle caps, coffee pods, plastic cutlery and paperclips.
Day nine: Stop wishcycling, Soft toys, cushions and pillows are not recyclable. Donate them.
Day ten: Know your plastics. Plastic bottles can be recycled but lids, pumps and triggers cannot.
Day eleven: Have a bin in every room.
Day twelve: Save space by flattening paper and cardboard.
Day thirteen: If your recycling stinks … you’re doing it wrong.
Day fourteen: Stop wishcycling. Timber, kitchen sinks and plumbing fixtures are not recyclable. Donate them.
Day fifteen: Make a list of the items you can recycle, and pin it to your fridge or calendar.
Day sixteen: Milk bottles = very recyclable. Remove lid and recycle the bottle.
Day seventeen: Keep your recycling loose.
Day eighteen: Fit recycling into your lifestyle.
Day nineteen: Take the plunge. Recycle your shampoo bottles. (Or use hair bars, like I do).
Day twenty: When in doubt, check it out. Don’t be afraid to throw it out.
Day twenty-one: Buy recycled.