Bathurst Coal Limited seek to extend their Coalgate coal mine by 18 hectares and remove wetland vegetation. Bathurst Coal Limited have applied to Environment Canterbury and Selwyn District Council to:
1) CRC184166 – To undertake earthworks in the high soil erosion risk area, and earthworks and vegetation clearance in riparian margins, including the removal of wetland vegetation.
2) CRC201368 – To discharge sediment and mine influenced water, drainage water and residual contaminants from the treatment of water to Tara Stream/Wetland.
Stormwater and drainage water will be collected and conveyed to storage ponds on-site for treatment, re-used for dust suppression and periodically discharged to the Tara Stream/Wetland.
Please help me, Forest & Bird, Forest & Bird Canterbury and Extinction Rebellion Ōtautahi Christchurch to raise awareness and protect wetlands.