05 Aug
Waste Free Pets

1) Picking up after your dog three times a day results in 1095 plastic bags ending up in landfill annually.
Once read, use newspaper pages to pick up after your dog.
If you have a pet compost, use a shovel to pick up after your dog.

2) Use sawdust or dirt for cat litter rather than silica, clay or sand based litter.

3) Inquire with your Vet if they sell un-packaged pet food in bulk eradicating non-biodegradable packaging.

4) Take along your own containers to the Vets or Butchers.

5) Make your own pet food - check out your local Library or Google for recipes.

6) Endeavor to buy collars and toys that are made out of natural materials such as cotton, hemp and wool.

7) Sprinkle baking soda on your pets beds and air outdoors to eliminate smells.

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